
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

[Run Plan] Fort4Fitness Course

My training plan tells me to run 16 miles for my long run this week.  So, I've decided to get up really early on Saturday morning to run the Fort4Fitness half marathon course and then run around downtown for the last three miles.  I'm hoping to hit a stretch of the St. Mary's Pathway on the greenway and cross over the Wells Street Bridge.

The Fort4Fitness website has really good course maps on their website for all of their Fall Festival Race distances (a 4-mile, 10k, Half and Full Marathon).  Here's a screen capture of the marathon course:

It'll take me on a long straight shot down Calhoun before winding north through Foster Park and into the Old Mill/Southwood Park/Woodhurst residential areas.  Then I head back North via Wayne and Fairfield and finish up at Parkview Field.  From there, I'll just wander around for 3 miles.

I'm not sure how I'm going to keep the directions straight, so I might end up wandering off course a little bit.  We'll see what happens.

In preparation, I mapped the Half Marathon course on Strava and took a look at the elevation profile:

That looks pretty hilly at first glance, but then you'll see that the whole thing is within an elevation range of only 50 feet (between 760 and 810 ft above sea level) and the elevation gain (explained here) is only 168 feet.  It's mostly flat, with only a couple of stretches that could be moderately challenging.  One of those will be out of the way at the very beginning.

If the run goes as planned and I don't get lost, I'll post a review of the course in the coming weeks.  I might lug my phone around to snap some pics.

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